Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A start

So to correctly map out what I go through with my current girlfriend since my memory is not the best, I figured I'd use this as a tool. Anytime I feel like I'm not getting treated right I'll post here. So as a start, I've been the only one working in about 3 years. Recently we've needed a second car, so I told her to goto the local dealership and look at this grand prix. She comes back with an SUV, suzuki grand vitara. Now I wouldnt be half as pissed about this if she wasnt making the payments on it with MY money. I dont like it, she'll try and tell you I did but I never did. It's an SUV and has no purpose other than to hog roadspace. That being said, she also got 2 credit cards. Her first card was a $2000 limit. She's gone through 1k of it already. About 400 on food, about 200 on a scooter for her 12 year old and various other things for her and our 2 year old. Has she bought me a single thing? No. Not a thing. Now my birthday is coming up in about 3 weeks, I've asked her for something that is slightly more(20-30 bux) than what she paid for her 12 year old's present. What does she say? No, it's too much money. Now she is getting a $7500 card. I dont want much of anything else other than a ipaq, I even posted to her used one's for under $200 on ebay. she will probably end up getting me a game(I have about a dozen that I dont play at all, I wouldnt play anything she buys either), clothes(I dont need clothes for my birthday), or a dvd(I dont want any). And would you like to know what all those things have in common? They're all fantastically less than what she bought her son. She has been told that we cant afford her car payment and insurance on what I make. It's plain and simple, she must get a job. So she put an ad up for daycare, which went unresponded to for about 2-3 weeks. Tonight she got a call about watching 2 boys, great. That'll be an extra $170 a week. The problem with that? Other than the fact that back in february we started having insane amounts of overtime at work, like 12 hr days 7 days a week kinda insane, and I was bringing home about 500-600 a week. What happened to that money? One month she went to walmart on 4 different occasions, spending at least $250 each visit. And this is the kicker, she has nothing to show for it. Nada, zip, zilch, zip. So, what's going to happen despite her assurances that it wont is that she will pay the bills with my paycheck, then go squander her income on whatever she wants. Whether that's trips to walmart, or online shopping(As I said about $600 gone in one weeks worth of online shopping) and I wont get a dime. As it stands I had to fight to get a measly $10 a week so I can grab a bite to eat out somewhere. when I was working the crazy overtime I didnt get jack. If she continues to screw me over, I will take half my tax return and buy a much needed car...for my name, and take the rest and move out. I've already figured out child support for our 2 year old to be $300 a month. That would leave me plenty to live on for the month. That's all I need to vent about tonight, expect more soon.